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The pandemic and its effect on rural Kenya

It is fair to say that the pandemic has had a devastating impact in all four corners of the earth. Almost everywhere, people have lost loved ones, lost jobs and had their lives and choices turned upside down. In Turi, as schools closed and as TCP was forced to close last year, we asked ourselves what we could do to continue supporting the children and their families during 2020. Each month, we were able to donate bare essentials to enable the families to provide a good meal for themselves whilst food the children weren't able to receive their meals at TCP.

St Andrew's staff also donated clothes, which TCP families were welcome to help themselves to.

Tracy Spragg, one of our St Andrew's School members of staff, ran a marathon at school, with the money raised going to fund two of these food collection days.

In January 2021, TCP was able to reopen. We are now back to relatively normal operations at TCP, with social distancing being observed and many activities happening outside, where possible. Since reopening, the hall has had a beautiful repaint, which has made a real difference to the light, freshness and warmth of the main building.

Recently, Rachel met with the staff at Turi Sulgwita - the school which the TCP children attend - to discuss more ways we can help and support them in the coming weeks and months. As we all begin to live with Covid around us, do pray for wisdom as we seek to support and guide them, whilst looking after the safety and well-being of the children at both Turi Sulgwita and St Andrew's School.

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